Ecommerce and Web Apps

LinkedIn Assessments and APIs
Career assessment tool integrated with LinkedIn to discover leadership characteristics, hidden strengths and blind spots. Includes a peer assessment that leverages LinkedIn connections. Results include a self awareness meter and the ability to compare self to different industries or regions. Integrated sharing with social media platforms, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+. 2011

Real time Procurement Ecommerce
FOB procurement platform for raw materials bulk purchasing for the paper, plastics, and chemicals industries. Tools for buyers and sellers to interact, negotiate, purchase and track orders. Financial tools for buyers to monitor pricing for bulk and commodity items. Field research, web page design, e-commerce site development and content management system. FOB, 2000

Internet Strategy, Brand, Design
Product strategy, brand strategy, competitive analysis, user interface and development for ecommerce, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Content Management Systems (CMS) and social media platforms for Fortune 100 companies and startups. Strong focus on qualitative user research, branding and user experience design. 1996-2008

Ecommerce for Gifts
Big Bow Ecommerce site acquired by Red Envelope. Concepts, design, brand strategy and development. Worked with engineering partner for backend development. Concierge features and email outreach programs quickly built the user base and positioned the company for acquisition. Big Bow, 2000

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Focus groups, information architecture, database architecture, design and development of this web based ERP system built from concept to product release. User research was conducted with the supply chain buyers, suppliers, marketing. UX design solutions for organizing large volumes of data in scannable views and providing comparison views for decision making. Blackhog, 2000

Financial Sector
Chase Credit Cards website and database integration with multiple business units. Credit Suisse Internet strategy and conceptual design for high net worth banking division. Global mobile tracking systems integrated with corporate databases and reporting for Merrill Lynch and Bloomberg.

Startups Strategy and Architecture
After working for a couple of incredible startups, I started my own. A web strategy, design and architecture firm doing great work for Fortune 100 clients and VC funded startups. Develped an ongoing business development pipeline through VCs and global consulting firms like KPMG. Website branding, strategy, design and frontend development. Partnered with engineering firms for backend development. 1998-2008

Biotech and Pharmaceutical
Website and content management system (CMS) for global FDA approval workflow for Chiron (acquired by Novartis). This project was featured in BioPeople magazine. Thermo Electron user research for website layout, pricing strategy for sales team, Internet strategy workshops for marketing team. DocSamples website for pharmaceutical representatives to track free samples.