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ServiceNow​​ / Data Analytics / Cloud
  • ServiceNow - IT Service Management (ITSM), Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM / ITBM), Business Continuity Management (BCM), Vendor Risk Management (VRM), Common Service Data Model (CSDM), IT Asset Management (ITAM)

  • Cloud computing and migrations - AWS, Azure, Google Cloud

  • Data Analytics - Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Predictive Analytics

  • Mobile apps - iOS, Android, WebOS, Palm

  • Agile coaching - Jira, Confluence, Azure DevOps, ServiceNow Agile Dev, Scrum, Kanban

  • Blockchain - Supply chain, Loyalty programs, Utility tokens, ICO



Program Manager, Service Now - HMSA
​Apr 2019 - Current​
  • Program and product management for ServiceNow platform implementation including ITSM (IT Service Management), SPM (Strategic Portfolio Management, formerly known as ITBM), APM (Application Portfolio Management), ITAM (IT Asset Management), BCM (Business Continuity Management), VRM (Vendor Risk Management), CSDM (Common Service Data Model) and CMDB

  • Project management and product management for VRM, BCM, CSDM and service catalog implementations

  • Working with IT, business owners and vendors to define business needs and implement new modules

  • Streamline workflows across the organization by automating processes, bridging data and organizational silos to empower transformation

  • Drive transformation by building and automating business processes

  • Develop product roadmaps, maturity models and prioritization

  • Engage stakeholder champions and executive leadership for organizational adoption across the business


Team Leader Agile Transformation - Gap Inc
​May 2018 - Mar 2019​
  • Organizational transformation for DevOps and Agile methodology for 4 infrastructure teams

  • Introduced and and facilitated training and adoption of new tools including Jira, Confluence and ServiceNow to support DevOps processes

  • Project leader and scrum master for infrastructure product teams for Relational Database, NoSQL Database, Application Hosting and Azure Cloud Ops

  • Reporting and metrics for senior executives


Founder, Director Product Management - TrueMedicines
​Feb 2017 - May 2018​
  • Sourced, built and managed the data analytics team

  • Requirements specification and development of predictive analytics and voice technology solutions using ML (machine learning) and NLP (natural language processing)

  • Developed an evidence based healthcare database with crowd sourced and clinical datasets

  • Applied natural language processing (NLP), statistical analysis and machine learning (ML) to discover the efficacy and application of plant-based treatments

  • View research papers here


Product Manager - Pillar Project
​Feb - Mar 2018​
  • Special Ops consulting to consolidate and manage the development of a cryptocurrency wallet

  • Align and manage founders, developers, designers, infrastructure, marketing and UX

  • Strategy and implementation for user research

  • Evaluate and select agile development tools

  • Secured Google Cloud Platform investment for infrastructure


Director Program Management, Cloud and Data Analytics - VentureSoft Global
​2015 - 2017
  • Product and account management for the data science division 

  • Predictive analytics solutions and products for health care and Hollywood

  • Cloud architecture, cost savings and optimization

  • Manage data scientists, developers, DBAs, DevOps

  • Develop requirements, user stories, functional spec, technical spec, product road maps, prototypes, mockups

  • Iterative development for prototypes, API's, machine learning, lab environments

  • Agile development and project management

  • White papers for data science

  • See white papers here

Program Manager, Enterprise Mobile and Data Warehouse - Korn Ferry

​2011 - 2015


  • Cloud application development, data warehouse, business intelligence, integration, systems integration

  • Data warehousing for predictive analytics across multiple datasets and organization/acquistions

  • Enterprise mobile apps for iPhone and iPad

  • Specification, design, development, QA, deployment, marketing and support of enterprise mobile apps with monthly rollouts

  • Manage local and remote teams

  • Own and implement the end-to-end user experience (UX)

  • Balance the needs of stakeholders, engineering, marketing, support, end users

  • User research to guide feature specification and prioritize development

  • Business analyst for mobile and systems integration

  • Market apps via Intranet, email campaigns, training programs

  • Train IT gurus and global Help Desks to provide end user support 

  • Introduce and adopt agile methodology for multiple teams new to agile


Principal, Mobile and Web Apps - Bitscale Dynamics (formerly known as Simmedia)

1998 - 2011


Founder of this technology services firm specializing in Internet design and development. Rapidly built this startup into a profitable agency through creative business development, industry leadership and client relationships.

  • Conducted workshops, strategy sessions, focus groups and field research

  • Built and managed cross-functional teams

  • Partnered with engineering firms for backend development

  • Large scale web and mobile applications for CRM, ERP, P2P, HR, finance, e-commerce, e-procurement (i.e., Credit Suisse, KPMG, Chiron, IDG, Bloomberg, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley)

  • Created ongoing business development pipelines through partnerships with:

    • VC firms funding startups who need web services

    • Larger design firms who turned away, or lost, projects

    • International consulting firms wanting to leverage the Silicon Valley brand

    • Partner and expert for clients to help them manage their other vendors and internal teams and stakeholders, leading to more business

  • Enterprise mobile applications for iPhone, Android, Palm platforms

  • User experience design for consumer and enterprise mobile applications


Executive Producer, Web Development - Verso

1996 - 1998


  • Supervised strategists, designers and developers

  • Key player in business development

  • Helped position company for acquisition by KPMG

  • Developed industry’s first online project management tools 

  • Worked with diverse client stakeholders to identify business requirements

  • Developed user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) specifications, wireframes, user stories, functional specification, site map, integration specification, marketing requirements 

  • On-time, on-budget track record working under aggressive timelines

  • Clients included Sony, Office Depot, Humana and Lucent

  • Developed methodology featured in the book Secrets of Successful Web Sites


Product Manager, New Media - IDG

1994 - 1996


  • Led the publishing group's move into new media, CD-ROM and Internet for the PC Gamer division

  • Championed the digital initiative among executive management

  • Built and managed the New Media business unit

  • Negotiated exclusive partnerships for high visibility marketing campaigns

  • Reduced development costs by 65% within first nine months

  • 100% on-time, on-budget track record working under 30 day development cycles for commercial CD-ROMs with distribution of 150,000 units per month

  • Transformed a cost-center into a profitable operation in six months


Web Producer - Vivid

1992 - 1994


  • Product development for one of the world's first website design firms

  • Wrote and published one of the first newsletters in the Internet industry

  • Information architecture (IA) and user interface design (UI) 

  • Business process flow maps, site maps, functional diagrams, data dictionary


U.C. Davis

Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, 1992


I was a Biology major for two years, studying to be an ophthalmologist, but not very enthusiastic about it. My father suggested that I study what I love at college and then get out in the real world to discover what I love as a career. I switched majors to English Literature and now I do completely unrelated work that I thoroughly enjoy in a dynamic industry where I am constantly learning and implementing something new.


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